Odoo 18 roadmap

Odoo 18 is coming

On 30 May, Nalios took part in Odoo's ‘Partner Day’ at the company's headquarters in Louvain la Neuve. 

In addition to a wide range of topics, the programme included the Odoo 18 roadmap, showing various focal points that Odoo is planning for the new version. . 

When ?

During the Odoo experience, from 2 to 4 October. .

Odoo will be presenting the new features to the public at a 3-day conference. Participation is free ! 

As a proud partner of Odoo, Nalios will be present with its own stand, so don't hesitate to come and say hello.

Features presented

There are, of course, many expected features, but here are a few that stand out for us:

Even more fun!

By simplifying even more screens, Odoo aims to make setting up and using the system even easier!

New module: Sales commissions

What we used to do with a spreadsheet can now be done with a new module in version 18! We're very curious to see what needs this module can meet.

Barcode application

Among the other improvements to the stock module, the update to the barcode application is a good one. Something that is used on a daily basis should always be improved in our eyes!

Project overview

With more standardised relationships between the project and relevant elements, odoo18 makes it even easier to find what you're looking for!

New billing overview

Non-accountants benefit from an easier overview when searching for invoices, processing payments and navigating between items.

79 pages ! 

Nalios has received the presentation, which contains 79 pages of expected improvements. To find out what the new version will actually contain, we'll have to wait for the Odoo Experience. ​

Would you like to receive the full presentation? Send an e-mail to : [email protected].

More advice on Odoo? Follow our experts on Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/nilsvanoosten/

Thinking of migrating to a more recent version of Odoo? See also our white paper on the subject : Odoo Migration