Import tax schedules for source deductions

Import tax schedules for source deductions

The source tax is applicable to employees who are non-resident or without a C permit in Switzerland. To correctly apply these deductions, Odoo V17 allows the very simple import of cantonal scales. Here is how to proceed: 

Import tax rates by going to the Payroll application and then Configuration >> Import Tax Rates. Odoo V17 will offer you a link of the confederation (1) on which all cantonal scales are available. 

Download the relevant scales for your business, then unzip the ZIP files. Once unzipped you will get a file in . txt, which you will import into Odoo V17 (2).

Once you have selected all the useful scales in your company, click on " Import tax rates " (3)

Practical tips:

To make the calculation correct, be careful to:

  • Enter the canton of residence of your employee, indicate if it is taxed at source, if applicable, its tax schedule (employee sheet) 
  • Specify in the contract the calculation model of the tax at source (annual or monthly depending on the canton)

And there you go, Odoo V17 will be able to calculate the tax rates of your employees deducted at source!😊

For more information, ask for the Nalios Pay module configuration guide! And to go further, do not hesitate to view our tutorial on YouTube by clicking here